Put the product from the folder where it was downloaded into the final folder named ''editor data''. You can find the folder here:

WINDOWS - C:\Users\Username\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager\editor data.

MacOS - /Users/<username>/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager/editor data/

If you chose a different path during the installation and now you don't know how to do it, contact me and we will manage it together.

Let's go to the settings in the game. Click on START A NEW GAME as in the picture.

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Click on CAREER MODE as in the picture.

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In the upper right corner, click the button under DATABASE.

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Now you can see a list of EDITOR DATA FILES that you have manually inserted into the game or downloaded via the steam workshop. Here you can choose which files you want to be available in the game. Be careful with your selection, once you confirm your selection, you will not be able to add or remove files in the game. If you change your mind later, you have to play a new game again. Once selected, click CONFIRM and then CHOOSE GAME MODE.

Note that The Bahamas reports an error and is not playable. Below is an explanation. It is possible that if you choose the wrong database, the files will not be playable. My files only work on 24.3.0 Update, which you must select above under the name DATABASE.

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Here you can choose which countries and competitions you want to have active from the start of the game. You can additionally activate or deactivate these countries and competitions directly in the game. If you want to have the full experience of the game, I don't recommend having more than 50 nations / competitions active unless you have a powerful PC. In practice, this means that, for example, FULL DATABASE from my products such as England, Italy, Spain, etc. you can play a maximum of THREE with an average computer! If you risk multiple databases, your PC may crash.

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Here you can choose specific competitions for each nation that you want active in the game. You can additionally activate or deactivate these competitions later in the game. You can also set whether the nation will be PLAYABLE or VIEW ONLY. If you set view only, you will not be able to manage clubs in these competitions, but the matches will be generated with details which means you can watch them. What details can you set in the game in the DETAIL LEVEL section.

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In the upper right corner, you can then choose the size of the database in the game. You can choose from four options - SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE and CUSTOM. If you choose CUSTOM, you can choose the database in the greatest detail. As you can see in the photo, the options are - CONTINENTS, REGIONS, NATIONS and DIVISIONS. For those who have a powerful PC and want to have the maximum experience of the game in the form of a maximum database of players and staffs, I recommend selecting all CONTINENTS - click on ''Add'' and as you can see in the photo, click only the second and third option = PLAYERS BASED IN NATION and PLAYERS OF NATIONALITY. (the other choices will no longer matter if you choose these two choices). Do this for each continent. The total number of players should be around 478,000. If you do not own a powerful PC, I recommend proceeding in the same way, but in the REGIONS or NATIONS section and choose the database wisely. If you do not own a powerful PC and still choose FULL DATABASE, be aware that the game will be much slower and may crash. You can then choose the date on which your game will start. If you are playing competitions in one nation, choose the date directly in that nation. If you play multiple nations like me, I recommend choosing the date of the nation that starts first.

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This is the last setting before your NEW GAME starts to be created. Here it is very individual. Some will say that playing without attribute masking is like cheating, others will say that it delays the game unnecessarily. In the photo you can see the settings that I use personally. I recommend the option ADD PLAYERS TO PLAYABLE TEAMS for nations and competitions in which not many players are created, so that so-called GRAY PLAYERS do not play the competitions. Well, now let's go to the most beautiful world - the world of football.

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